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Mooney's Mini-Flags
|fr| Mayotte and Reunion +262

Number Format

Area Code:            none
Subscriber Number:    10 digits (formerly 6 digits)
Trunk Prefix:         n/a
International Prefix: 00

Numbering range information

2006-2007 - Mayotte renumbering, move from +269 to +262

Mayotte telephone numbers broke from the +269 country code which was shared with Comoros and joined the +262 country code, already used in Reunion. +262 thus became an Indian Ocean regional country code for French territories.

Mayotte numbering will also be expanded to conform to the full French format of 10 digits (domestic with leading digit '0'), or 9 digits following country code (+262 xxxxxxxxx).

Generally, +269 xxxxxx changes to +262 269 xxxxxx (fixed/wireline numbers) or +262 639 xxxxxx (mobile/wireless numbers).

For historical information about Mayotte numbering within +269, prior to moving to +262, see Comoros and Mayotte page.

Overview of the 2006-2007 Mayotte general renumbering:

Old range    New range        Service
===========  =========        ==============
   (new)     +262 269 1xxxxx  fixed/wireline [see Note 1]
+269 2xxxxx  +262 639 2xxxxx  GSM mobile (general)
+269 20xxxx  +262 639 20xxxx  SRR GSM mobile
+269 21xxxx  +262 639 21xxxx  SRR GSM mobile
+269 22xxxx  +262 639 22xxxx  GSM mobile
+269 23xxxx  +262 639 23xxxx  GSM mobile
+269 24xxxx  +262 639 24xxxx  GSM mobile
+269 60xxxx  +262 269 60xxxx  RTPC (fixed/wireline)
+269 61xxxx  +262 269 61xxxx  RTPC (fixed/wireline)
+269 62xxxx  +262 269 62xxxx  RTPC (fixed/wireline)
+269 63xxxx  +262 269 63xxxx  RTPC (fixed/wireline)
+269 64xxxx  +262 269 64xxxx  RTPC (fixed/wireline)
+269 65xxxx  +262 639 65xxxx  GSM mobile
+269 66xxxx  +262 639 66xxxx  Mayotte Telecom GSM mobile
+269 67xxxx  +262 639 67xxxx  Mayotte Telecom GSM mobile
+269 68xxxx  +262 639 68xxxx  Mayotte Telecom GSM mobile
+269 69xxxx  +262 639 69xxxx  Mayotte Telecom GSM mobile
Note 1: There was no +269 1xxxxx series, since numbers dialled beginning with '1' would have been for short codes such as 19 (international prefix).

In the French numbering plans, Mayotte numbers will be dialled in these formats, as the renumbering is completed:

0269 xxxxxx (fixed/wireline)
0639 xxxxxx (mobile)

(With information and corrections courtesy Pascal Bonete).

28 December 2007 - mobile numbers fully changed to new range

Within Mayotte, all mobile numbers will have changed to the new +262 639 xxxxxx format by 28 December 2007. Existing +262 269 xxxxxx format mobile numbers will be discontinued at that time.

Source: ARCEP.

30 March 2007 - Mayotte incorporated into +262 country code

Mayotte mobile numbers will change to a distinct +262 639 range, consistent with the numbering approach used in other French territories.

As of 30 March 2007, existing Mayotte telephone numbers from other nations will be dialled as +262 269 xxxxxx, instead of +269 xxxxxx.

New mobile numbers will be assigned in the identifiable mobile number range: +262 639 xxxxxx. Some existing mobile numbers will remain dialable as +262 269 xxxxxx until 28 December 2007 at which time they will be fully changed to the +262 639 mobile range.


27 September 2006 - Mayotte 10-digit local numbers mandatory

10-digit dialling of numbers within Mayotte is now mandatory, with the previous 7-digit system (0xxxxxx) no longer available.

This phase of numbering changes did not affect dialling from outside Mayotte, including calls from France and its territories.

Source: ARCEP - press release, 24 July 2006.

21 April 2006 - Mayotte: 10-digit numbers assigned

10-digit dialling format was introduced in Mayotte, operating permissively with the previous 6-digit local format. This only affected dialling within Mayotte, not for calls into the territory. Calls between Mayotte numbers which had been dialled as 0xxxxxx began changing to 0269xxxxxx format.

Source: ART press release, 31 March 2006.

26 January 2006 - Reunion +262 87 ranges

Number range    Carrier
------------    -------
+262 87620xxxx  France Telecom
+262 87622xxxx  Wengo
+262 87630xxxx  Primus
Source: ARCEP announcement (26 January 2006, via ITU).

19 January 2006 - Reunion: new Orange GSM number ranges

New GSM number ranges were assigned for Orange: +262 69300xxxx, +262 69393xxxx. This means mobile numbers are now in +262 693xxxxxx range as well as the existing +262 692xxxxxx range.

Source: ARCEP announcement (19 January 2006, via ITU).

20 May 2005 - regulator becomes ARCEP

Telecom regulation is handled by France. ART, which had regulated telecommunications since 1996, gave way to a new regulatory body ARCEP.

April 2005 - updated number ranges

The following are Reunion number ranges (based on France regulator ART announcement, 21 April 2005, via ITU):

Number range     Carrier/Service
------------     ---------------
+262 262xxxxxx  fixed/wireline numbers
+262 26200xxxx  French Australian/Antarctic territories administration (TAAF)
+262 26216xxxx  Outremer Télécom
+262 26217xxxx  Outremer Télécom
+262 26219xxxx  Cegetel la Reunion
+262 2622xxxxx  France Télécom
+262 26230xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26231xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26232xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26233xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26234xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26235xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26236xxxx  XTS Network Ocean Indien
+262 26237xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26238xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26239xxxx  France Télécom
+262 2624xxxxx  France Télécom
+262 2625xxxxx  France Télécom
+262 26270xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26271xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26272xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26273xxxx  France Télécom
+262 26275xxxx  France Télécom
+262 2629xxxxx  France Télécom

+262 692xxxxxx  mobile numbers
+262 69200xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69201xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69202xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69203xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69204xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69205xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69206xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69207xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69208xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69209xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 6921xxxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 6922xxxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69230xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69231xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69232xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69233xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69234xxxx  GSM (Orange)
+262 69248xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69249xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 6925xxxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 6926xxxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 6927xxxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 6928xxxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69290xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69291xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69295xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69296xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69297xxxx  GSM (SRR)
+262 69298xxxx  GSM (SRR)

15 December 2000 - extra digits for French Overseas Departments

A change to 10-digit domestic dialling occurred 15 December 2000 in the French Department of Reunion.

Other French Departments (DOM): Guadeloupe, French Guiana, and Martinique required similar changes to implement 10-digit domestic dialling as of 22 June 2001.

International calls into these departments use the country code as before, but then dial the last 9 digits of the new domestic subscriber number, omitting the leading zero.

Mobile numbers in these departments are also now standardised to always begin with 06 for domestic dialling (number range +262 692 xxxxxx). This took effect in Reunion on 22 June 2001, although the change to longer dialling was made earlier as a transitional step (from +262 xxxxxx to +262 262 xxxxxx, coinciding with changes to fixed/wireline numbers).

Previously, calls within each department could be made by dialling just the 6-digit subscriber number.

The numbering changes are as follows:

Fixed/wireline subscriber numbers:

Before 15 December 2001: 234567 domestic; +262 234567 international

After 15 December 2001: 0 262 234567; +262 262 234567 international

Mobile numbers:

Before 15 December 2000: 345678 domestic; +262 345678 international

After 15 December 2000: 0 262 345678 domestic; +262 262 345678 international

After 22 June 2001: 0 692 345678 domestic; +262 692 345678 international

While the system is harmonised with France's numbering plan, there are no current plans to use country code +33 to reach the departments. Technical difficulties with carriers in countries near the departments were the reason cited by France telecom regulator ART.

ART made the decision on these changes 14th June 2000. For further information, see the pages:

Also see information for France +33 for an overview of the French departments and territories.

Other information

Telecom regulation is under France's ARCEP, which replaced the previous French telecom regulator ART as of 20 May 2005.

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