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Updated 29 February 2008 By Country Code By Country Name Other WTNG pages Acknowledgements
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|dz| Algeria +213

Number Format

Area Code:            2 digits (see note below)
Subscriber Number:    6 digits (see note below)
Trunk Prefix:         0
International Prefix: 00

Area code information

mid-2009 - national geographic expansion

Geographic telephone numbers, totalling 8 digits (excluding the '0' trunk prefix) will be expanded by a digit at some point in 2009 (date and details to be announced). Subject to a final announcement, the reported conversion plan is:

Old format       New format
----------       ----------
+213 1 xxxxxxx   +213 41 xxxxxxx
+213 2 xxxxxxx   +213 42 xxxxxxx
+213 3 xxxxxxx   +213 43 xxxxxxx
+213 4 xxxxxxx   +213 44 xxxxxxx
(Courtesy Sergiu Rosenzweig)

22 February 2008 - national non-geographic expansion

A digit will be added to non-geographic numbers, including mobile and VSAT services on 22 February 2008. Special services such as freephone and premium numbers will also be standardised at 10 digits.

Old format      New format       Service
----------      ----------       -------
+213 1 xxxxxxx  +213 1 xxxxxxx   geographic - unchanged in 2008
+213 2 xxxxxxx  +213 2 xxxxxxx   geographic - unchanged in 2008
+213 3 xxxxxxx  +213 3 xxxxxxx   geographic - unchanged in 2008
+213 4 xxxxxxx  +213 4 xxxxxxx   geographic - unchanged in 2008
+213 5 xxxxxxx  +213 55 xxxxxxx  mobile (Wataniya/Nedjma)
+213 6 xxxxxxx  +213 66 xxxxxxx  mobile (Algérie Télécom/Mobilis) [note 1]
+213 6 190xxxx  +213 96 190xxxx  VSAT (Algérie Télécom)
+213 6 191xxxx  +213 96 191xxxx  VSAT (Orascom)
+213 6 192xxxx  +213 96 192xxxx  VSAT (Divona)
+213 7 xxxxxxx  +213 77 xxxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 8 2xxxxxx  +213 98 2xxxxxx  non-geographic numbers (VoIP)
+213 8 3xxxxxx  +213 98 3xxxxxx  VoIP (Algérie Télécom)
+213 9 0xxxxxx  +213 79 0xxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 9 1xxxxxx  +213 79 1xxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 9 2xxxxxx  +213 79 2xxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 9 3xxxxxx  +213 79 3xxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 9 4xxxxxx  +213 79 4xxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 9 5xxxxxx  +213 79 5xxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 9 6xxxxxx  +213 79 6xxxxxx  mobile (Orascom/Djezzy)
+213 9 7xxxxxx  +213 69 7xxxxxx  mobile (Algérie Télécom/Mobilis)
+213 9 8xxxxxx  +213 69 8xxxxxx  mobile (Algérie Télécom/Mobilis)
+213 9 9xxxxxx  +213 69 9xxxxxx  mobile
+213 800 xxxxx  +213 800 1xxxxx  freephone
+213 801 xxxxx  +213 801 1xxxxx  premium (5 dinars rate)
+213 802 xxxxx  +213 802 1xxxxx  premium (20 dinars)
+213 803 xxxxx  +213 803 1xxxxx  premium (50 dinars)
+213 804 xxxxx  +213 804 1xxxxx  premium (70 dinars)
+213 805 xxxxx  +213 805 1xxxxx  premium (90 dinars)
+213 806 xxxxx  +213 806 1xxxxx  premium (120 dinars)
(unassigned)    +213 807 xxxxxx  (future use)
+213 808 xxxxx  +213 808 1xxxxx  premium (60 dinars, games/contests)
+213 809 xxxxx  +213 809 1xxxxx  premium (120 dinars, games/contests)
[note 1] - for old numbers +213 6xxxxxx except VSAT services under the old +213 619xxxxx range.

Source: ARPT announcement (via ITU, 17 December 2007)

(News courtesy Sergiu Rosenzweig)

April 2006 - new Lacom numbering range

+213 1 xxxxxxx was introduced for Consortium Algérien de Télécommunications (CAT) for the geographic/fixed Lacom service.

Source: ARPT announcement (via ITU, 1 April 2006)

15 December 2000 - national renumbering

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications established a new national dialling and numbering plan effective 15 December 2000.

Domestically, all calls whether local or not will be dialled with 9 digits: trunk prefix 0 + 2-digit area code + 6-digits subscriber number portion. The 6-digit subscriber portion generally remained unchanged, but the area code portion has changed.

From other countries, the trunk prefix 0 should be omitted for calls to Algeria, but the new 2-digit area code will precede the existing 6-digit subscriber number.

This replaces the former plan of an area code (1-digit for geographic numbers) followed by a 6-digit subscriber number; the trunk prefix and area code were only used to place calls outside an area code.

Special 2- or 3-digit short-code service numbers (including 1x, 1xx) did not change.

NMT and GSM mobile numbers begin with 61 i.e. +213 61 xxxxxx.

Details available at:

announcement (.doc text via ITU)

Algeria UN page

(link report courtesy Edward Schaffer)

Other Information

Government ministry is Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

Regulator is Autorité de régulation des Postes et Télécoms.

Major carriers are:


Algerie Telecom.

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